When you’re in a position of leadership, you’ve got to be on your A-game every day. People count on you to have focus, drive, creativity, and energy to tackle each day’s challenges and opportunities. What this means is that you have to take care of yourself, and safeguard your own strength. That starts with getting your eight hours of sleep each night.
For some leaders, that’s easier said than done. Maybe you try to get the kind of sleep you need, but insomnia thwarts your good intentions. Usually, insomnia can be beat — but first, you’ve got to know what the cause is.
What Causes Insomnia?
There are a few common causes of insomnia to know about:
Stress. It’s true: High stress levels can get you all revved up at the end of the day, interfering with the body’s natural sleep cycle. If you’re tossing and turning due to feelings of anxiety, the best approach is to find a healthy way to manage that stress — through exercise, through self-expression, or through a hobby. If you have a true clinical issue, see a therapist; therapy really works, and can help you get the sleep you need!
Sleep apnea. Do you snore? Do you wake up several times over the course of the night? And when you do, do you find yourself gasping for air? All of these can be symptoms of sleep apnea, a…