As a keynote speaker, I’m constantly telling leaders and entrepreneurs about the importance of emotional intelligence — or EQ, as it’s sometimes called.
Why is EQ important? Because EQ is what allows you to identify and categorize your own emotions — and thus, to control them.
Moreover, EQ allows you to better understand the emotional drivers of others — your employees, colleagues, and customers — and to predict their responses to emotional stimuli.
So are you someone with high EQ? Let me offer some quick questions you might consider as you take a self-inventory.
Understanding Your Emotional Intelligence
You’re able to articulate your emotions with precision. Most people are able to tell you when they’re happy or sad, but someone with high EQ can dig deeper — explaining that they are feeling wistful, or overwhelmed from stress, etc.
You’re aware of emotional strengths and shortcomings. Someone with high EQ is adept at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of others. Plus, emotional EQ empowers you to fairly assess your own skillsets.
People confide in you. If you’re the kind of person to whom people come when they need advice, guidance, or understanding, that certainly attests to your EQ.