Making Your Dreams a Reality: From Dreamer to Achiever in 5 Simple Steps

Dr Rick Goodman
2 min readMar 7, 2023

Making your dreams a reality is not as difficult as it may seem. I have seen many people go from dreamer to achiever in 5 simple steps and I believe you can also.

Did you know that nearly everyone has some form of dream in their lifetime? Whether it’s a career goal, a physical or mental challenge, or even financial prosperity, we all have something we strive for. The key to turning those dreams into reality is to follow a few simple steps.

5 Steps For Making Your Dreams a Reality

Step One: believe in yourself and have faith that you can make it happen. Believe in your own talents, skills and abilities and know that you have what it takes to succeed.

Step Two: Create a vision and make a plan. Visualize yourself achieving your dreams and create an achievable plan to get there. Make sure that your plan is realistic, attainable, and has a timeline.

Step Three: Take action. This is where the rubber meets the road. Take consistent…



Dr Rick Goodman

Leadership Expert at | Author The Solutions Oriented Leader | Motivational Keynote Speaker | Executive Coach, Life Coach, Team Building,