Quite often, if we look close enough the tell tale signs of a weak company culture are there for everyone to see. Sometimes, when your company culture is in jeopardy, it’s pretty obvious. Maybe you have employees leaving by droves. Or maybe you have a morale problem that is palpable. But in other instances, the signs of trouble may be more subtle. You may not even recognize them until it’s too late.
Let me show you what I mean. A few not-so-explicit signs that there’s something awry with your corporate culture.
How a Weak Company Culture Will Cause You Problems
Nobody ever talks about improvement or growth. You’ve probably heard the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” There’s some truth to that, yet I’d also say there’s something dangerous about a company that’s content with business as usual. If there is no talk whatsoever of growth, innovation, or process improvement, that ultimately points back to a very stagnant culture.
You have employees who never speak up, because they are too afraid. When’s the last time you had employees come to you with ideas? Feedback? Constructive criticism, even? If your employees never speak up, perhaps it’s because they’re afraid you won’t like it and will retaliate. That’s not the kind of culture you want to have.